We are still early into 2018 & many are seeking new fitness challenges & personal growth. The better we feel, the better we perform in life, whether it is at our jobs, in academics, sports, the list goes on. At MartialPress Club, we offer Kickboxing to give members a consistent full body workout that will create motivation! This fun but challenging 50-minute class is accessible for all fitness levels & backgrounds. It’s a great workout with a sense of community, making Kickboxing Conditioning one of MartialPress Club most popular classes. Here are a few things you can expect next time you sign up for Kickboxing Conditioning!

 1. Full Body Warm Up

Kickboxing class will get you sweating right away! During warm ups, expect a variety of full body calisthenics with dynamic stretches that help get the body ready for class & prevent injury. Once the body core temperature increases, your muscles are much more receptive for the movements in class. After warm up, we glove up!

2. Technique on Fleek!

Throughout this fitness class, you will utilize MartialPress Club striking commands 1-15. These movements consist of boxing punch, elbow, knee & leg strikes. The combos start small & increase with class time. Coaches will challenge you by adding head movement & footwork drills to combos as well. As you progress through the various combos, our Coaches will correct your form, ensuring you have the proper technique to get the best workout possible. This perfect full-body blend gives you a BANG for your buck.

3. The Best Coaches in the Game

Our diverse coaches lead class with passion in every class.MartialPress Club Coaches modify classes to work for all experience levels so no matter your skill level, you will be challenged without feeling overwhelmed. Just as our Coaches expect energy from you, they bring 50 minutes of infectious energy to enforce a true working environment!  Our Coaches maintain momentum during class by using high intensity timed intervals coupled with active rest, keeping your heart right up and your mind active at all times.  If you’re new to Kickboxing, be sure to speak to our Coaches before class to get your warm welcome!

4. Welcoming Class Culture

At MartialPress Club, we are all on the same team looking to bring everybody up in class. Expect to experience friendly competitiveness, but a feeling of team comradery. Meet a new friend every class, share our post-Kickboxing class team photo to social media, and connect with other members who share your goals! It’s all happening right here in MartialPress Club Kickboxing classes.

We encourage you to try a class to spark your motivation this year. Traditional fitness can turn us off, so switch it up and challenge yourself to something new like a MartialPress Club Kickboxing class. So, let’s get sweaty, and improve our boxing technique, bodies, and self-confidence all at once!